UI control names

The standard names we use for UI controls, and their te reo Māori equivalents.

HomeKāingaThis is for the home button that takes people back to the initial screen, or back to the beginning of the interactive. The text will usually appear alongside an icon of a house.
CloseKatiaThis control is used to close a modal window (e.g. a gallery) or close a close-up view of an image.
Explore galleryToroa te huinga whakaahuaThis control allows a person to view a gallery of images.
Explore imagesToroa ngā whakaahua 
TranscriptHe kape tuhiThis control denotes a transcript of text that can be viewed.
ZoomE topa 
Zoom inTopa mai 
Zoom outTopa atu 
View close-upHe tirohanga tata-akeThis control allows a person to take a closer look at an object or image.
RotateTakahuriaThis control allows a person to view an image of the other side of an object (this text is suitable regardless of which angle is currently in view, eg the front or back).
TimelineHe rārangi wāThis control refers to part of the interface known as a timeline, or a organised set of events listed in chronological order.
TranslationWhakamāoritangaA Māori translation
TranslationWhakapākehātangaAn English translation
Translated pagesNgā whārangi reo MāoriFor pages in te reo Māori
Translated pagesNgā whārangi reo PākehāFor pages in Englsih